EICEE - Budapest
Institute for Democracy and International Security
The EICEE network in Europe, comprising the Civic Institute in Prague and the Neuwaldegg Institute in Vienna, has just expanded to include the Budapest-based Institute for Democracy and International Security (IDIS). IDIS (previously ITDIS) has been founded by EICEE to cover a critical region of CEE nations and to contribute to the present international dialogue dealing with security and the principles of democracy in Hungary and the adjoining nations. EICEE Budapest will be led by husband and wife of Sebestyén and Katharine Gorka.

Sebestyén Gorka has gained international recognition for his work on counter-terrorism in recent years, although he as also has worked on the nature and principles of free and just democracies. Gorka appears frequently in international media and lectures throughout Europe and the United States on counter-terrorism and the challenges of transition from totalitarian regimes. Sebestyén will be the first managing director of the EICEE Budapest office (IDIS).
Katharine Gorka has been focusing on the transition in Central and Eastern Europe since it began 17 years ago. Formerly a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute in New York, she later worked for a number of organizations involved in democratization assistance in Central and Eastern Europe, including Harvard University, UNCDF, UNDP, the National Forum Foundation and USAID. Katharine is now Executive Director of EICEE – Budapest.

Through its new office in Budapest, EICEE will have a greater physical presence in Europe as well as a stronger voice in the debate over U.S. foreign policy and the nature of democratic transition, as well as a greater outreach to train present and future leaders in the principles of ordered liberty in a democratic society.