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The director of EICEE's Civic Institute in Prague, Dr. Roman Joch, as described in the region's press:

"Born a Slovak, Dr. Joch stayed in the Czech Republic after completing his studies at Charles University. Trained as a medical doctor, he is today well-known as a specialist in politics, an incisive debater, and much sought after social commentator&"
Cover story in Tyzden magazine,
a Slovak weekly, May 2, 2005

"Roman Joch is a leader in the 'war of ideas,' committed to defending intellectual principles in rigorous debate with all comers. That at least is how he appears at Civic Institute headquarters, surrounded by the thick walls of a medieval monastery turned office building, amid an atmosphere of disorder indicating that an intellectual battle is, as usual, in progress. It is a late fall evening and the streets of Prague are empty, while the Civic Institute staff are all at work in the office&"
Respect magazine,
a Czech weekly, December 2005

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