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Czech Republic

CIVIC Institute, Prague
Activities 2004 and 2005

3 Scholarships in 2007
3 Scholarships in 2006
23 Scholarships in 2005
20 Scholarships in 2004

Activities 2005
  1. March 15th   
    What's Next in Social Policy in the Czech Republic?  - a workshop for NGO members and professionals from both government and the private sector – CI headquarters

  2. April 27th 
    Analysis of European Policy concerning Women and Children - a lecture by Allan C. Carlson, President of Howard Center, Rockford, Illinois, USA –  held in the Czech Senate

  3. June 15th   
    Church-State Relations in the Czech RepublicAcademic workshop in CI headquarters

  4. December 1st   
    Czech Political Catholicism:  Past and Present Academic workshop

  5. Monthly event:
    Last Tuesday of the Month with.... - discussions with interesting personalities from the political, social and cultural spheres in CI´s Reading Room

Weekly classes in the Civic Institute´s Reading Room on Philosophy, Politics and related topics.


  1. October 13th-15th 
    The World - Four Years After September 11th
    Annual seminar in Krkonose Mountains, Northeastern Bohemia

  2. March 10th–13th 
    Faces of Totalitarianism: Yesterday and Today
    in Čejkovice, Southern Moravia

  3. November 17th-20th 
    Media Ethics and Free Society - a three day conference for young members of the Christian Democratic Party and the Civic Democratic Party in CR

Activities 2004
  1. January 15th   
    Promoting Human Dignity in Europe  - a lecture by Gudrun Lang, Director of the World Youth Alliance Europe – CI Reading Room

  2. March 11th   
    Population Implosion in Europe:  Catastrophe or Challenge? - a lecture by Anne-Marie Libert, Louvain University, Belgium

  3. May 11th   
    Facing Contemporary Challenges to Western Civilization – a major two day conference in the main hall of the Czech Senate with international faculty

  4. June 14th
    Frank S. Meyer:  Speaking of Freedom
    - a conference in CI headquarters

Weekly classes in the Civic Institute´s Reading Room on Philosophy, Politics and related topics.


  1. October 14th-16th 
    Fifteen years after the "Velvet Revolution"  - a seminar examining the state of affairs brought about by the Velvet Revolution of 1989
    Annual seminar in Krkonose Mountains, Northeastern Bohemia

  2. March 4th – 6th    
    New Perspectives on Free Society  - a seminar held in Ceske Budejovice, Southern Bohemia

  3. November 18th -21st  
    Centrl and Eastern European Conference on the Family  -  a meeting of representatives of nine post-communist countries concluding with the formulation of the Vranov Declaration 2004
    Vranov near Brno, Czech Republic

Scholarships 2007

In 2007 we granted 3 scholarships to the following persons:

  1. Mr Ondrej Novák, University of Economics - Charles University
  2. Mr. Pavel Dufek, Masaryk University Brno
  3. Mr. Jan Petrov, Charles University

Scholarships 2006

In 2006 we granted 3 scholarships to the following persons:

  1. Mr. Veber Tomas, University of South Bohemia, Religious Studies
  2. Mr Martin Klapetek, Masaryk University Brno
  3. Mr Tomas Veber, University of South Bohemia

Scholarships 2005

In 2005 we granted 23 scholarships to the following persons:

  1. Mr. Tomas Blazek, Masaryk University, Political Science (2x)
  2. Mr. Tomas Blumenstein, Brno University of Technology, Engineering
  3. Mr. Richard Durpekt, Masaryk University, Social Sciences
  4. Mr. Jan Fingerland
  5. Mr. Jan Gurega, Comenius University, Social Sciences
  6. Mr. martin Joch, University of Economics, Management
  7. Ms. Jana Jungwirtova, University of Wroclaw, Psychology
  8. Mr. Klic Zbynek, Masaryk University, Political Science
  9. Mr. Robert Kotzian, Military Academy, Computer Sciences
  10. Mr. Michl Jindrich, University of Economics, Business Administration
  11. Mr. Robert Nemec, Masaryk University, Psychology
  12. Ms. Nora Novotna, Babes-Bolyai University, Psychology
  13. Ms. KarolinaOdstrcilova Karolina, Palacky University, Medicine
  14. Mr. Jiri Rehak, St. Gallen University, Law
  15. Ms. Ludmila Sindelkova
  16. Mr. Petr Smykal, University of Applied Studies in Deggendorf, Economics, Business Administration
  17. Mr. Solc Zbynek, Masaryk University, International Relations, Sociology
  18. Mr. Jan Strelicka, Masaryk University, Law
  19. Ms. Irena Verisova, Charles University, Education
  20. Ms. Viktorinova Michaela, Ivan Franko National University, Psychology
  21. Ms. Michaela Vytlacilova, University of Economics, Economics
  22. Mr. Matyas Zrno, Charles University, International Relations

Scholarships 2004

In 2004 we granted 20 scholarships to the following persons:

  1. Mr. Vojtech Belling, Charles University, Law (2x)
  2. Mr. Petr Blazek, Charles University, Law
  3. Mr. Filip Drimal, Masaryk University, History, Sociology
  4. Ms. Andrea Figulova
  5. Mr. Georgiev Jiri, Charles University, Political Science (2x)
  6. Ms. Marketa Kozena
  7. Mr. Martin Krizek, Charles University, Journalism
  8. Mr. Rudolf Kucera, Charles University, History, Philosophy
  9. Ms. Hana Kutalova, Charles University, Physical Sciences
  10. Mr. Petr Matyas, Palacky University, Political Science
  11. Mr. Jindrich Michl, University of Economics, Economics
  12. Mr. Ondrej Pesek, University of Economics, Economics
  13. Mr. David Poc, Palacky University, History, Political Science
  14. Mr. Jan Smid, Charles University, Journalism
  15. Mr. Petr Vejbor, Palacky University, Political Science (2x)
  16. Ms. Nina Veskrnova, Charles University, Law
  17. Ms. Monika Vyvodova
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