Seminar on the Ratification of the Reform Treaty in the Czech Republic January 31, 2008
House of Deputies of the Czech Parliament
Prague, Czech Republic
On January 31, the Civic Institute organized a seminar on the ratification of the Reform treaty in the Czech Republic. The event took place on the premises of the House of Deputies of the Czech Parliament under the auspices of MP Tomáš Dub and with the support of Hans Seidel Stiftung. After opening words by Tomáš Dub and Matyáš Zrno (CI), the vice-premier Alexandr Vondra of the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) said that the treaty, while far from being ideal, could nevertheless represent a possible compromise.
Vice-president of the Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL) David Macek subsequently harshly criticized the ODS, likening its behavior to that of adolescent kids. In order to explain it, one has to turn to psychology, Macek said. He then refused the idea that the Reform Treaty should first be studied by the Constitutional Court.
The vice-premier subsequently labelled Macek´s stand as naive. According to him, defending national interests in the EU cannot be regarded as something negative, besides, it is something that all member states do. Vondra underlined that his stand is not anti-European and that he supports the ratification of the treaty. A treaty of such importance, however, should first be examined by the Constitutional court, as is the praxis in some other EU member states.
ODS MPs Tomáš Dub and Jan Schwippel also reacted to David Macek´s words. After a general discussion, a panel composed of specialists followed, with the participation of Jiří Georgiev (advisor to the European committee of the Senate), Lenka Pítrová (Parliamentary Institute) and Jan Kysela (Faculty of Law, Charles University). The seminar was recorded by Czech Television.